A collection of works created by the driving force behind Original Dark Poetry, Craig Detheridge. Also known as Craig Dee , his work which encompass visual art, poetry and T-Shirt design, feature across several platforms.

Skull And Snake.

This work Skull And Snake in pencil is inspired by the work of Ed Hardy.

He is an American tattoo artist born in Southern California, known for the iconic style of his work.

Snake Eyes.

The next work, Snakes Eyes, is also inspired by Hardy’s old school tattoo style.

It started life as a pencil sketch which was then coloured in the open source graphics editor GIMP using gradients.

Out Of The Darkness.

Out Of The Darkness is Craig Dee’s first piece created using acrylics, or indeed any piece on canvas.

It is a very simplistic piece and was learning exercise for the creator. It is meant to represent a journey through the dark images created by the mind.

The Scream – An Interpretation.

An interpretation of The Scream by the Norwegian painter, Edvard Munch.

It is a pencil sketch and is also coloured in the same way.

The Scream which is Munch’s most famous work, has become one of the most iconic images of world art.

The Scream – Coloured.

Next up we have another version of The Scream.

This version was created entirely in GIMP and was coloured using gradient fills.

It is a much more colourful interpretation which probably removes some of the angst of the original work. Whether this is appropriate or not is up to the individual.


This is a piece created entirely using digital media.

Titled TEOTWAWKI, (The End Of The World As We Know), this piece explores what scenarios may play out in the theatre of life following a global apocalypse.

Quarantine, Isolation, Empty Streets.

Entitled Quarantine, Isolation, Empty Streets, this work of digital art was inspired by the global lockdown that occurred following the COVID19 virus breakout.

Although lockdown has eased in some parts of the world, the pandemic continues to affect lives in all corners of the planet.

Screaming Pope – An Interpretation.

This disturbing piece is heavily influenced the Screaming Pope series by Francis Bacon.

Bacon did not begin to paint until his late twenties, he suggested that his artistic career was delayed because he spent too long looking for subject matter that could hold his interest.

Blood Rose.

Blood Rose began its life as a pencil sketch which was then scanned, cleaned up and coloured with the gradient tool in GIMP.

It is meant to represent the intense emotional pain of heartache with the blood drops representing a flood of blinding tears.

Fire In The Sky – One Lone Man.

This is the most recently completed piece by Craig Dee.

Entitled Fire In The Sky – One Lone Man, the piece explores the loneliness and isolation one can feel in the big city.

Also it suggests how weak man is in comparison to the forces of nature, in this case, the setting Sun.

Zodiac Times.

The most recent little project.

A collage of magazine pages and photos. The source material was pretty limited and compromises had to be made regarding the original ideas for the piece.

Now finished, it’s title is “Zodiac Times?“.